One, Two, Three…Jump!


This past summer, Alyssa and I were bored one summer afternoon and decided to let our “adventure-side” out. We had heard of this place to go cliff jumping, but had no idea where it was (and to be honest, I still have no idea where we were). So, we packed a few PB&J’s hopped in my jeep, and drove around for awhile until we saw a few other kids walking to “secret place”. Once we got there, we got into our bathing suits and tried to build up the courage to jump into the water. After a few attempts we finally jumped (her much more graceful than me I must admit) and it was such a thrill!







Botanical Gardens

Botanical Garden

Another remembrance of past summers is Mother’s Day in May, 2014. My mom had taken my grandparents, cousins, the rest of my family, and I to the Botanical Gardens in the Bronx, NY. It was my first time there and it was absolutely stunning. A lot of walking, but every step you took there were different flowers to see, foods to eat, and things to do. We made a day out of it and it turned out to be one of the best Mother’s Days for my mom (maybe because she was the one to plan it).






Motorcycle Run

Motorcycle Run

Since the weather forecaster told all of his viewers that we should be expecting snow within the next few days, this would be a perfect opportunity to look back on past summer adventures- when it wasn’t 30˚ outside. A few summers back a few friends and I attended my mom’s annual Motorcycle Run for HUMC. We volunteered to help out with the event, but of course had some fun of our own- sticking to velcro walls and seeing how long each of us could stay on a bull until we fell off. Not only did we all have a blast, but the day was beautiful as well as the location.



